April C. Mason
Retired, Kansas State University ACAO Advisory Council Member
April Mason served as the Provost and Senior Vice President of Kansas State University from January, 2010 to June 2018. As the University's Chief Academic Officer, she oversaw the academic dimensions of the university and ensured the university's academic standards. In cooperation with the president and the Deans Council, Mason provided leadership in the development, review, and operationalization of policies and goals regarding instruction, research and outreach programs. While in this position, Mason served as the Chair of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities Council on Academic Affairs and was a founding member and Chair of the Association of Chief Academic Officers, a group associated with the American Council of Education. Before joining Kansas State University, Mason held faculty and administrative positions at Colorado State University and Purdue University. April holds her doctorate degree in Nutrition and her master's degree in Botany from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN and her undergraduate degree in Biology from University of Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio.