Welcome to the ACAO Digital Resources Library
Digital Fellows and Extension Projects Time for Class: A National Survey of Faculty During COVID-19 Part 1", Resources for Digital Fellows
Campus Tech TrendsCampus IT leaders must be ready for the impending impact of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented realities and IoT on the classroom this year and how it will forever change the way instructors teach and students learn — All that while balancing budget challenges and the increased demand for additional technology resources. Find out how they plan to:
In this webinar, Campus Computing Project Founder Casey Green and Sonic Foundry VP of Marketing and Communications Tammy Jackson explore the challenges that confront campus CIOs and IT officers and what their priorities should be in 2018 to foster the most innovation and success in the classroom.
The Provost Panel from the 2017 EDUCAUSE conference.
A conversation with EDUCAUSE president John O’Brien about the opportunities “going digital” present to enhance student learning and engagement and to improve retention and degree completion. October 5, 2017 Video Recording Presentation Slides
Click here for resources specific to issues surrounding freedom of expression on campus.
Please use the following links to access resources from the Digital Fellows program: Convening #1 - Scottsdale, AZ
Convening #2 - Coming Soon Additional ResourcesTo A Degree: A Higher Ed Podcast - To A Degree, the Postsecondary Success team’s higher education podcast, highlights the people, institutions, and organizations that are working to provide all students with a high-quality and affordable postsecondary experience, especially those at the greatest risk of being left out. Moderated by Casey Green, To A Degree explores promising solutions and innovative policies to improve outcomes for every student.
(Disclosure: Both Acrobatiq and SmartSparrow have received grants from the Gates Foundation.) EDUCAUSE / EDUCAUSE REVIEW Articles
Atlantic Monthly
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The following resources are available to Digital Fellows only: |