To build a viable advancement program it’s important that you along with your deans and directors understand the ins and outs of fundraising, as every good development officer will tell you. Private support offers the greatest opportunity for institutional advancement. The better you are able to navigate these waters, the more success you can expect from your team. You can improve your fundraising potential, and that of your staff, by ensuring that you and they are well-versed in fundraising fundamentals. Whether your institution uses a centralized or decentralized model for fundraising, you still need to understand what makes for good implementation of a fundraising plan.
Fundraising is about building relationships and laying a solid foundation for the “Ask”. Fundraising is as much of an art as it is a science. However, there are some fundamental rules that will help create realistic expectations in a capital campaign and when negotiating gift agreements with donors. Chief Academic Officers are often called upon to create campaigns and approve gift proposals for colleges and programs. This checklist will help demystify fundraising and ensure that you have the right information BEFORE accepting a donor’s gift. The checklist is prepared in two parts. Part One focuses on the fundamentals of fundraising. Part Two presents more in-depth information about capital campaign planning and success.