Now Accepting
ACAO Board of Director Nominations


The Association of Chief Academic Officers (ACAO) is accepting nominations for the upcoming Board Election through May 10th. Voting for the elections will be open from May 10th through June 14th. 

This year, there are 5 Director positions available. Directors hold terms of three years. After serving as Director for the equivalent of (2) three-year terms, a person cannot again be elected as Director until at least one year after completion of such person’s service as Director.  

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall policy and direction of ACAO. Board members meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30pm EST. Regular attendance of board meetings is expected. Click HERE to view the association by-laws, which further explain the roles and responsibilities of Directors.

ACAO will promote on a national level the educational interests of member institutions and their Chief Academic Officers. ACAO will, among other efforts, provide a forum for the development of academic affairs best practices; afford CAO members an environment in which they can discuss current academic issues of importance; and offer CAOs and other senior academic administrators an opportunity to communicate with, inform, and educate one another. 

ACAO is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Activities and programs sponsored by ACAO support the educational and professional development of CAOs and other academic administrators who aspire to become CAOs. ACAO is an organization of CAOs helping, supporting, and educating CAOs.

Click HERE to complete the self-nomination form and email your headshot to [email protected]. Please direct questions related to board responsibilities to Past President Dr. Gail Baker at [email protected]